My Second Husband Is Desperate And Depressed - Chapter 20
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I’m so happy that’s she is in better place rn
Her dresses are so ugly, when will she get some pretty ones..
oww I hope Anni be saved
Thanks for the update! Please keep the updates coming! I am enjoying this one and have a lot of questions I’d like answers to. ?
His first husband is so pitiful huhu but he kinda deserve it though. I’m hoping to see his first husband story
Alexandre Schihann
I see a spoiler saying her 1st husband will die alone and in regret , if is true im very happy about it !
It is why I always think more before doing it because there is no regret medicine after all. Sometimes, it maybe true that man like james has low eq
Stupid 1st husband if you liked her so much you should have taken care of her properly.
Sooo a little cloudy spoiler again hahaha
Next 5-10 chapters will be about her stupd dad, Anni and her necklace.
Really like this one, tnx for the update