My Second Husband Is Desperate And Depressed - Chapter 11
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Eww get a new dress why would she want any reminders from her 1st marriage.
Wow, I didnt know there were so many superstitious people. Hmm…I think I can understand my older sister a bit more thanks to all of your comments. ?
Omg…no. Get a new dress! Why would you bring in the old with your new marriage?
Nooo I need to know more .. omg her first husband what a shock he is gonna recieve ??
Jin jin
Updated ? plzzzz ???????????????????? it’s stopped in ch.11 only ???????plxzzzzzzz updated itttt!!!
Is she crazy or what
Does she really have to?
I get her point since its technically wasn’t used in her previous wedding since nothing happened… But it’s already tainted by the name Parnell…
She should show to those mother in laws of her that she’s being treated well in Duchy of Tyrone…
Just get a new dress, girl. All that negative energy from your previous marriage should not touch this new life you are starting.
Is the ML the first Husband or the second husband?
I think the second husband
The second. Husband. James is the 2nd ML.
I cant wait for the 1st husband to arrive and see his reaction hahaha