Lightning-kun must be blind. Why would she want to be with a man who’s followers aren’t loyal? He tried sending her letters and they were conveniently “lost” so she never knew he even tried reaching out to her. Obviously someone blocked them, so that means he’s just trash who can’t even take care of his potential spouse and daughter
yes child she did, and she do it all the damned time, it’s unfortunate for your father that he fell for such a woman who was cold to see him after such a long time when he came from life death situation also told him about seeing a man, when your father came all the way for her, your mama sucks child……
Lightning-kun must be blind. Why would she want to be with a man who’s followers aren’t loyal? He tried sending her letters and they were conveniently “lost” so she never knew he even tried reaching out to her. Obviously someone blocked them, so that means he’s just trash who can’t even take care of his potential spouse and daughter
Yeah lightning-kun, cuz im sure your parents have NEVER lied to you 🙄
yes child she did, and she do it all the damned time, it’s unfortunate for your father that he fell for such a woman who was cold to see him after such a long time when he came from life death situation also told him about seeing a man, when your father came all the way for her, your mama sucks child……