None of the Problems were ML fault though. He was forced to go to war. Did technically die but was saved by a dragon. The officials also lost all his letters. He came back and FL never gave him a chance. FL did move on and deal with hardships herself but none of them were his fault. Both has issues which were out of their control. ML wants to start again and continue their past love where FL doesn’t even want to think about it. FL emotional state shows she’s never accepted the past 7 years or got over it, while Ml accepts that the past was out of everyone’s control and wants to work on the future.
Can’t blame FL for not wanting to deal with nobles and wanting to keep her current life. But she should really know that none of the past pain she felt was ML fault. She’s just stupid. Oh btw this is your child which you didn’t know about, Your letters also never reached me, I thought you were dead after being forced to go to war. I am alone and ostracised by the village at times. Never speak to me again.
i have no idea why ppl are mad at FL all ML did was bring problems to FL after dissapearing for years, and now he expects her to just accept him inmediatly whit no issues??? xD
None of the Problems were ML fault though. He was forced to go to war. Did technically die but was saved by a dragon. The officials also lost all his letters. He came back and FL never gave him a chance. FL did move on and deal with hardships herself but none of them were his fault. Both has issues which were out of their control. ML wants to start again and continue their past love where FL doesn’t even want to think about it. FL emotional state shows she’s never accepted the past 7 years or got over it, while Ml accepts that the past was out of everyone’s control and wants to work on the future.
Can’t blame FL for not wanting to deal with nobles and wanting to keep her current life. But she should really know that none of the past pain she felt was ML fault. She’s just stupid. Oh btw this is your child which you didn’t know about, Your letters also never reached me, I thought you were dead after being forced to go to war. I am alone and ostracised by the village at times. Never speak to me again.
i have no idea why ppl are mad at FL all ML did was bring problems to FL after dissapearing for years, and now he expects her to just accept him inmediatly whit no issues??? xD