@admin @harimanga
isn’t server quite bad these days? i often got Host Error (cloudflare Error code 520) i don’t think it’s network between cloudflare and harimanga server…
i also often got chapters pages failed to load, or even worse the chapter pages only loaded half, since (i think) there’s caching implemented, it’s hard to reload the image either by downloading the image or refreshing the entire webpage/chapter (broken page still loaded brokenly after refresh page)
@admin @harimanga
isn’t server quite bad these days? i often got Host Error (cloudflare Error code 520) i don’t think it’s network between cloudflare and harimanga server…
i also often got chapters pages failed to load, or even worse the chapter pages only loaded half, since (i think) there’s caching implemented, it’s hard to reload the image either by downloading the image or refreshing the entire webpage/chapter (broken page still loaded brokenly after refresh page)
She should’ve been more suspicious. Was honestly too naive of her