Unless Edwin turns out to be a serial killer or something, there’s no reason to turn down such a sweet, good-looking guy. Cause Cassius has already proved he wouldn’t be a good husband. For God’s sake, he already abandoned them for 7 years! You’re really telling me with all the people he lead, he couldn’t send just ONE person to actually check in on her and make sure she’s ok?
I Like edwin. He would be good for her. But we already know this trope. Despite the hardships they always go back to them. While he hasnt necessarily done anything. It would still be too much 😔
Unless Edwin turns out to be a serial killer or something, there’s no reason to turn down such a sweet, good-looking guy. Cause Cassius has already proved he wouldn’t be a good husband. For God’s sake, he already abandoned them for 7 years! You’re really telling me with all the people he lead, he couldn’t send just ONE person to actually check in on her and make sure she’s ok?
what did his dream meant? if she is a reincarnated soul?
I’m dropping this.
I Like edwin. He would be good for her. But we already know this trope. Despite the hardships they always go back to them. While he hasnt necessarily done anything. It would still be too much 😔