It would be nice to make this manga into anime. It is realy nicely done. Story may be somehow slow but overal even considering it is this way its still nice because of the way it is told
You right, this story would be worth making it into anime because of beautifully drawn characters and realy unique way to put relatively simple story. How author tell the story is realy unique
THat evil brat lady gives off the “i’m wearing sunglasses so I can glare at people without them knowing” vibes
that would not be as good as it is drawn because the anime would be too difficult to animate since the quality of this manga is so good
It would be nice to make this manga into anime. It is realy nicely done. Story may be somehow slow but overal even considering it is this way its still nice because of the way it is told
I do enjoy how the author has the little girl explain the social formality. She is the princess and she doesn’t greet anyone first.
You right, this story would be worth making it into anime because of beautifully drawn characters and realy unique way to put relatively simple story. How author tell the story is realy unique
The great evil has shown her face, I see.