Pretty bad translation…
So Lyrica is saying that she has great intuition and that she can discern bad people from the good. So she starts giving examples, like the old lady that was a child trafficker and the man who gave money would do awful things to children behind closed doors (she thought he was beating them but at knows it was much worse).
@duly.noted….once again you speak what is one my mind
Nahh jits the whole fruit basket thats crazy
Gentle reminder, just because someone has less masculine features, does not mean they are gay 🙂 pretty boys exist!
Pretty bad translation…
So Lyrica is saying that she has great intuition and that she can discern bad people from the good. So she starts giving examples, like the old lady that was a child trafficker and the man who gave money would do awful things to children behind closed doors (she thought he was beating them but at knows it was much worse).
What cute siblings!!
No not that fiyord he looks GAY af
This one was a little difficult to understand but its okay cause they were really cute together 😭
The facts that she didn’t feel an evil intent from fiyord basically tells us that he is an ok dude .
What a lovely sibling bond!!!
I really like their bond and how Atil care so much about the cute little princess uwu
I wanted to see the ml 🙁
The translation’s confusing 🥲