YourTypicaIGoldDigger My eyes and brain hurt it’s too bright and the translation needs ALOT of brain power to comprehend 😭😭💀💀 July 14, 2023 at 11:56 pm Log in to Reply
elixx_ The translation is off but the art is irresistible— March 30, 2023 at 10:44 am Log in to Reply
Searching for love Now when i’ll say something like “cute” i’ll say it twice December 31, 2022 at 12:01 pm Log in to Reply
Rococochoco Bryn is a mood and its nice to see positive darker skinned characters representation. December 24, 2022 at 8:32 am Log in to Reply
@-screenshot- fr, exactly what I thought
The mc reminds me of Jenette from WMMAP
Yes you must say it twice!!
My eyes and brain hurt it’s too bright and the translation needs ALOT of brain power to comprehend 😭😭💀💀
I agree with maid. She’s so adorable<3
The translation is off but the art is irresistible—
Yes yes!! She is very cute and cute!!!
One of the cutest 😍
Cute cute cute
Searching for love
Now when i’ll say something like “cute” i’ll say it twice
Queen Silvia
The maid is simping for her
cuteeeee againnnnn
so when will see the crown prince??
Blueberry Tea
I love for this
Bryn is a mood and its nice to see positive darker skinned characters representation.