Ngl If we think about it both of them are living a miserable life and neither of them know about the other’s pain. It’s a given that her family is suspicious and his past self had a reason to be cautious and distant from her. At the same time she has been living a miserable life too. But neither have every talked about their problems to eachother so if course assumptions will be made. It’s just that when we read a story from one character’s pov we never know what the other character’s life is like until it is shown.
(like overlay it)
*cough* someone edit theo saying please dont go when she said please dont go *cough*
They need to communicate and that’s it
Ngl If we think about it both of them are living a miserable life and neither of them know about the other’s pain. It’s a given that her family is suspicious and his past self had a reason to be cautious and distant from her. At the same time she has been living a miserable life too. But neither have every talked about their problems to eachother so if course assumptions will be made. It’s just that when we read a story from one character’s pov we never know what the other character’s life is like until it is shown.
I just want his memories to come back cuz rn he feels like a fake
Mrs. Gojo
But I think
If they know what “COMMUNICATION” is
They should’ve been a very lovy dovy couple
Mrs. Gojo
I’m so touched😭
Why would we want that? Whether we like him or not, I want Lily to be treated well
I wish his dark side came back
Who loves manga
Gosh 🥲🥲🥹😢😭
oh Lily T_T