Tbh i like this chapter, especially because of Lily and Charlotte’s reaction. Besides it’s given she’ll end up with him so it’s no use in stressing about them so I’m just gonna try to enjoy everything (tho I’ll still rant about how much I hate her two brothers)
Seeing his elder brother feels like-
Ughh….shit , here we go again………
What the fox🥹🤣
Charlotte is to cute🤣🤣🤣
And i like the Prince 😂😂
Tbh i like this chapter, especially because of Lily and Charlotte’s reaction. Besides it’s given she’ll end up with him so it’s no use in stressing about them so I’m just gonna try to enjoy everything (tho I’ll still rant about how much I hate her two brothers)
Both of these brothers should be castrated those perverts😡
thats even worse than when king henry VIII saw anne of cleves CAUSE THATS A SNAKE
Lily and Charlotte’s face when Theo got into the carriage🤣 GAPE✨️✨️