Its rhe same situation as in ‘Beware Of The Brothers!/Haily Takes The House’. However, since they are villains, they tend to be more like the step-brothers in The Way to Protect the Female Lead’s Older Brother’.
The younger one is definitely more sincere and mentally healthier considering the environment he has grown up in.
Too bad, guys tend to typically not understand how the girl has been feeling all this time. They just move forward with their own assumptions hoping for what they heart desires. Unfortunately they will get disappointed most of the times, since the girl’s feelings has been drastically different.
I feel bad for the younger brother though.
He is totally powerless yet he can’t help but to like her since the very beginning. I expected him to be way worse since he’s been raised in such a nasty family.
He is much better in comparison.
Poor guy.
Nether can he express himself properly nor does have the luxury to do so.
He has no choice but to wither away being a mere tool to his father and older brother.
*htgmhoms- how to get my husband on my side
Reminds me of htgmhoms begining with Ruby and Cesare
@KodokBengek ikr so damn bad It gives me a strange feeling like puking
Ruby and cesaire vibes 🥲 these filthy so called Brothers
How to get my husband on my side ahhh Brother
Wtf pervs
Ngl the brothers are hot but they are actually f*cking messed up
Sympte1, you need to open your eyes
Wtf is wrong with her family full of pervs and disgusting bastards
guys idk what’s wrong with me but the brothers are hot at😭
Lmao I knew her brothers are perverted, possessive little sh*ts
Its rhe same situation as in ‘Beware Of The Brothers!/Haily Takes The House’. However, since they are villains, they tend to be more like the step-brothers in The Way to Protect the Female Lead’s Older Brother’.
The younger one is definitely more sincere and mentally healthier considering the environment he has grown up in.
Too bad, guys tend to typically not understand how the girl has been feeling all this time. They just move forward with their own assumptions hoping for what they heart desires. Unfortunately they will get disappointed most of the times, since the girl’s feelings has been drastically different.
I feel bad for the younger brother though.
He is totally powerless yet he can’t help but to like her since the very beginning. I expected him to be way worse since he’s been raised in such a nasty family.
He is much better in comparison.
Poor guy.
Nether can he express himself properly nor does have the luxury to do so.
He has no choice but to wither away being a mere tool to his father and older brother.
I think they both want to do the ‘forbidden dance’ with their stepsister
wha… what
what in tarnation…
Crystal T
Her expression when the oldest brother claimed she’ll still be his property was priceless, pitiful girl.
I got chills-
the rude one is far better he atleast wanted or tried helping her in a rude way