MorriganX Yes in he previous life Harold son would have been her oldest brother but remember that baroness Hadley in the previous life never became baroness and ended up passing away with her child . This timeline there is no blood connection at all May 26, 2024 at 12:13 am Log in to Reply
SumJerk247 Wait!? His that her other timeline dad’s son ? 😳 Is he her Love interest? So like he’s her half sibling in another timeline 😳 weird. May 25, 2024 at 4:08 pm Log in to Reply
Yes in he previous life Harold son would have been her oldest brother but remember that baroness Hadley in the previous life never became baroness and ended up passing away with her child . This timeline there is no blood connection at all
Wait!? His that her other timeline dad’s son ? 😳 Is he her Love interest? So like he’s her half sibling in another timeline 😳 weird.