DeathAero I hope this doesn’t become some type of summoning stuff. I’m tried of em xd April 25, 2024 at 7:35 pm Log in to Reply
TypicallyUsual I bet the actual boss will be in the coffin anyway. After they defeat the guard. July 26, 2022 at 10:22 am Log in to Reply
Rococochoco None of these people have ever played a video game if they had the first thing they’d notice is the dark souls boss waiting to be triggered May 12, 2022 at 2:09 am Log in to Reply
I hope this doesn’t become some type of summoning stuff. I’m tried of em xd
Hi knight! Want a new master?
blubis thebest
solo leveling
I bet the actual boss will be in the coffin anyway. After they defeat the guard.
That knight boss gave me solo leveling flashbacks
I thought the same
None of these people have ever played a video game if they had the first thing they’d notice is the dark souls boss waiting to be triggered