I think it’s because they’re so weird, awkward, and polar opposites that they are such a good couple and are always tripping over something or blurting something embarrassing out🤣
I’m so glad that they’re together now tho! Like throughout the chapters they are grown so much into better more confident people and I think if they hadn’t grown at all or he was still a jerk and she was still a complete pushover to everyone than I would have quite this a long time ago.😁
And just like that🤣🤣🤣
The panel at the end was the first time he grabbed her neck 😊
I think it’s because they’re so weird, awkward, and polar opposites that they are such a good couple and are always tripping over something or blurting something embarrassing out🤣
I’m so glad that they’re together now tho! Like throughout the chapters they are grown so much into better more confident people and I think if they hadn’t grown at all or he was still a jerk and she was still a complete pushover to everyone than I would have quite this a long time ago.😁
Rum Lawrence
Why r they so weird and awkward 😂?