Urfavorite Also that guy rubs me wrong something off with him he literally finds it funny when she tries to tell him what she wants Not that Dobin’s a perfect angel (tho he looks it🥰) I’m happy he’s actually trying to change and be less well…grumpy(?) Around her March 29, 2023 at 6:51 pm Log in to Reply
Urfavorite I feel cheated out of that chapter.😭 If you aren’t going to even put Dobin in it at least make it longer!! January 16, 2023 at 9:44 pm Log in to Reply
Also that guy rubs me wrong something off with him he literally finds it funny when she tries to tell him what she wants
Not that Dobin’s a perfect angel (tho he looks it🥰) I’m happy he’s actually trying to change and be less well…grumpy(?) Around her
I feel cheated out of that chapter.😭 If you aren’t going to even put Dobin in it at least make it longer!!