sapphireblades Bro why is everyone so freaking mean and rude to her???? And don’t tell me that being a pushover without knowing her at all is the reason 🙄 April 30, 2024 at 6:12 pm Log in to Reply
Medea313 Why is every single person so mean to her in this?!! And girl stand up for yourself!! Every single person treats her like shit, and obviously it’s her fault because she dresses like a pushover, isn’t that right mr. Manager?!! January 21, 2023 at 10:35 pm Log in to Reply
I feel so bad for her
Bro why is everyone so freaking mean and rude to her???? And don’t tell me that being a pushover without knowing her at all is the reason 🙄
Why is every single person so mean to her in this?!! And girl stand up for yourself!! Every single person treats her like shit, and obviously it’s her fault because she dresses like a pushover, isn’t that right mr. Manager?!!