I mean if that Ansgar dude, he probably gonna used her for monarchist purposed
maybe he and other aristocrats want to raised up the only ‘monarch’ left which is her,
since aristocrats won’t able to fight back if the don’t hv any monarch decendant to hold on to
Better option than living in hell with ur twisted psychophatic husband
Ansgar is not a way out, either. He’s sending solid vibes that he wants to use her. Why say he is her “only way out” if he only wants to help? And that hag Anelli, she’s hot for Valdermar, and she’s using Annette as a punching bag. sheesh
Girlie just marry me I’ll provide for you and love youuuu ahhh i can’t see her getting hurt anymore if that guy just approached her to use her I’ll fucking kill himmmm
To think she didn’t know nothing about politics
What more does that red head woman want? Jesus. These people need to go get therapy. Everything is warped and damaged in their tiny brains.
I mean if that Ansgar dude, he probably gonna used her for monarchist purposed
maybe he and other aristocrats want to raised up the only ‘monarch’ left which is her,
since aristocrats won’t able to fight back if the don’t hv any monarch decendant to hold on to
Better option than living in hell with ur twisted psychophatic husband
Ansgar is not a way out, either. He’s sending solid vibes that he wants to use her. Why say he is her “only way out” if he only wants to help? And that hag Anelli, she’s hot for Valdermar, and she’s using Annette as a punching bag. sheesh
Girlie just marry me I’ll provide for you and love youuuu ahhh i can’t see her getting hurt anymore if that guy just approached her to use her I’ll fucking kill himmmm
Husband ain’t gonna allow this 1 bit
Girl, learn from your past. Pls don’t trust to easily 😑
i don’t like this guy as well😭 he seems kinda fake idk