Okay..I think he deserves to experience peace and happiness I’m just not sold on the idea of it being with her yet! I’ll only feel better if he apologizes to her face and changes his controlling habits. And the reason is because while he did make many mistakes, she still lost parts of herself she can never get back. Shes finally living for herself! yet her eyes will never have that life like her younger self had. Now if he apologizes and finally sees and accepts this new version of her and still loves her, thennn I will be okay with the idea of them. But for now I just wanna see my baby Annette live her life -_- no interuptions!
BRO. He understands that he broke her into peices, but he was too blinded by his own ideals and hate, that he never fully understood what he did to her. I think that he deystroyed her, but whats stopping them from rebuilding it together? Thats why i love this manwha so much, although they are both broken, maybe, they can find it in themselves to make peace.
He tried so hard to destroy her, why does he look so surprised!! He succeeded and know he looks hurt?? That’s what I hate about him, he can even acknowledge that he make everything to take her to this point.
Okay..I think he deserves to experience peace and happiness I’m just not sold on the idea of it being with her yet! I’ll only feel better if he apologizes to her face and changes his controlling habits. And the reason is because while he did make many mistakes, she still lost parts of herself she can never get back. Shes finally living for herself! yet her eyes will never have that life like her younger self had. Now if he apologizes and finally sees and accepts this new version of her and still loves her, thennn I will be okay with the idea of them. But for now I just wanna see my baby Annette live her life -_- no interuptions!
BRO. He understands that he broke her into peices, but he was too blinded by his own ideals and hate, that he never fully understood what he did to her. I think that he deystroyed her, but whats stopping them from rebuilding it together? Thats why i love this manwha so much, although they are both broken, maybe, they can find it in themselves to make peace.
That’s your ‘Beloved Oppressor’
Ally Sunshine
Oh, you met the romantic stranger alright
He tried so hard to destroy her, why does he look so surprised!! He succeeded and know he looks hurt?? That’s what I hate about him, he can even acknowledge that he make everything to take her to this point.
Spring and Summer
Little did she know what was going to happen next…
Yeah that romantic stranger ruined your life