Sorry about that, posted my comment before I was done writing it. If he has such resentment for her he should have just left her alone to her own faith. Any damage she has caused him is entirely unknowing on her part and not intentional. He is going out of his way to trick her into loving him because he wants to make her suffer and he wants to hurt her. She never had any intention of hurting him. He is deceiving her knowingly and willfully and wants to make the entire rest of her life a living hell she is literally never done anything wrong to him.
It is mind-blowing to me that some of y’all are siding with him on this.
I know I’m late with the comment but here it is… In my opinion (as a wife of a soldier) is we wouldn’t be judging either of them. He is a broken man that has PTSD (though back in those days is a mental issue that people didn’t know about) and he became spiteful of FL due to her lack of empathy and respect for the people that were proving the peace she was enjoying. Think about it for minute with an open mind… how would you react/feel if you were a veteran, you were enough to survive, you wanted to see again the woman you love and thought she is the most understanding and lovable of all women and when you were the lucky one who survived, you finally get to see the love of your life again, carrying all these expectations in your heart that that woman is an angel of salvation and instead… what you get is a cold woman who just smiles when you’re saying the people you worked with died during the operation not even having a word of compassion or simpathy and then, you encounter disrespect when she ignors your conversation with her, without the least of civility to run his father whom she sees every day… I mean, if would have walked away while my friend is talking to me, she would have also been hurt and resentful.
I’m not condoning his actions towards her, I don’t like violence but, I also don’t like uneducated people that, do whatever they want, without the least ounce of civility towards others. She grew up sheltered but that doens’t give her the right to treat others poorly. If only she should have paid attention, she would have noticed his sadness and offered a word of comfort and if she wouldn’t have just taken off like she did, in the middle of their conversation and waited patiently for her father to reach them, maybe… he wouldn’t have hated her at all. Simple things, basic even and that could have made a world of difference in her future.
See, so I read the comments, while I agree that the FL isn’t completely at fault, partially yes she is. To be fair, it’s the fact that she grew up with the mindset that commoners don’t amount much in life & the lack of sympathy she had. You don’t even have to fall in love with someone, but tell me if you had lost your friends and were torched, but the only thing you get in return is a fake condolence. Then yeah, you too would fall in rage, you’d want revenge too. (But genuinely, yeah he did too much,) Ps, pls don’t say that why would I want revenge, when y’all literally rage over these types of scenes when it occurs to the FL’s. So yeah, he thinks all nobles are selfish and corrupt. And pls y’all support so many characters who wanna get rid of the nobles cause they think they’re evil.
No we should hate this scum he has been hurt and all he’s done its take it out on him wife a story that is all to commen around the world and think would you be on his side if he we not as “good looking” this dude is like the riddler for the new batman an obsessive loser this do you want this sorry exquse of a human as a frend let alone a spouse and I know it’s fiction but don’t won’t to see a obsessive dert bag bully his wife in fiction and real life
@Afsanak LOUDER!! I really just think we shouldn’t hate the leads. He grew up without the supervision of a parent. He suffered alot in a very young age. Of course it will be impossible if he is mentally stable.
Heiner didn’t grow up in a good situation he didn’t know what is love hes also a victim but he’s getting his revenge against another victim but now I guess he will regret and repent upon it as we the viewers saw how much Annette is for him so let just be a little kind to him cz hes mentally destroyed person and Annette is the only one ray of his life so he will go to her for sure and another thing Annette also suffered very much so they both need equal justice
alright so he’s in love with her but just hasn’t realised it yet or more possibly cannot admit it.
Yet he wants to portray that his sufferings was all a part of his struggle inorder to be on the same level as her
Dude you are blaming someone else and getting revenge at someone who isn’t guilty , sigh 😒😒😮💨😮💨😮💨 OK you suffered , you got betreyed , and etc … but it doesn’t completely say that you must take revenge of someone who was an angle but now look at her you made her broken , you took away her child , and many other things …
This bastard won’t admit he loves her but accuses her of things she doesn’t even know about, instead of taking revenge on her father he takes revenge on her like a coward😤
When you’re absolutely down bad and in love with her, but because you have severe ptsd cause by her dad that you keep confusing them with hatred and anger, this fool so down bad he learned everything about her, he needed therapy
If he has such resentment for her he should have just left her alone to her own fate. Tricking her into lovung
Sorry about that, posted my comment before I was done writing it. If he has such resentment for her he should have just left her alone to her own faith. Any damage she has caused him is entirely unknowing on her part and not intentional. He is going out of his way to trick her into loving him because he wants to make her suffer and he wants to hurt her. She never had any intention of hurting him. He is deceiving her knowingly and willfully and wants to make the entire rest of her life a living hell she is literally never done anything wrong to him.
It is mind-blowing to me that some of y’all are siding with him on this.
I know I’m late with the comment but here it is… In my opinion (as a wife of a soldier) is we wouldn’t be judging either of them. He is a broken man that has PTSD (though back in those days is a mental issue that people didn’t know about) and he became spiteful of FL due to her lack of empathy and respect for the people that were proving the peace she was enjoying. Think about it for minute with an open mind… how would you react/feel if you were a veteran, you were enough to survive, you wanted to see again the woman you love and thought she is the most understanding and lovable of all women and when you were the lucky one who survived, you finally get to see the love of your life again, carrying all these expectations in your heart that that woman is an angel of salvation and instead… what you get is a cold woman who just smiles when you’re saying the people you worked with died during the operation not even having a word of compassion or simpathy and then, you encounter disrespect when she ignors your conversation with her, without the least of civility to run his father whom she sees every day… I mean, if would have walked away while my friend is talking to me, she would have also been hurt and resentful.
I’m not condoning his actions towards her, I don’t like violence but, I also don’t like uneducated people that, do whatever they want, without the least ounce of civility towards others. She grew up sheltered but that doens’t give her the right to treat others poorly. If only she should have paid attention, she would have noticed his sadness and offered a word of comfort and if she wouldn’t have just taken off like she did, in the middle of their conversation and waited patiently for her father to reach them, maybe… he wouldn’t have hated her at all. Simple things, basic even and that could have made a world of difference in her future.
See, so I read the comments, while I agree that the FL isn’t completely at fault, partially yes she is. To be fair, it’s the fact that she grew up with the mindset that commoners don’t amount much in life & the lack of sympathy she had. You don’t even have to fall in love with someone, but tell me if you had lost your friends and were torched, but the only thing you get in return is a fake condolence. Then yeah, you too would fall in rage, you’d want revenge too. (But genuinely, yeah he did too much,) Ps, pls don’t say that why would I want revenge, when y’all literally rage over these types of scenes when it occurs to the FL’s. So yeah, he thinks all nobles are selfish and corrupt. And pls y’all support so many characters who wanna get rid of the nobles cause they think they’re evil.
No we should hate this scum he has been hurt and all he’s done its take it out on him wife a story that is all to commen around the world and think would you be on his side if he we not as “good looking” this dude is like the riddler for the new batman an obsessive loser this do you want this sorry exquse of a human as a frend let alone a spouse and I know it’s fiction but don’t won’t to see a obsessive dert bag bully his wife in fiction and real life
@Afsanak LOUDER!! I really just think we shouldn’t hate the leads. He grew up without the supervision of a parent. He suffered alot in a very young age. Of course it will be impossible if he is mentally stable.
Heiner didn’t grow up in a good situation he didn’t know what is love hes also a victim but he’s getting his revenge against another victim but now I guess he will regret and repent upon it as we the viewers saw how much Annette is for him so let just be a little kind to him cz hes mentally destroyed person and Annette is the only one ray of his life so he will go to her for sure and another thing Annette also suffered very much so they both need equal justice
This is like so …… arghhhhhh…. godddd…… I…. will he realize that he was wrong? What will he do then? Oh my god… will they end up together now…
alright so he’s in love with her but just hasn’t realised it yet or more possibly cannot admit it.
Yet he wants to portray that his sufferings was all a part of his struggle inorder to be on the same level as her
Who loves manga
Dude you are blaming someone else and getting revenge at someone who isn’t guilty , sigh 😒😒😮💨😮💨😮💨 OK you suffered , you got betreyed , and etc … but it doesn’t completely say that you must take revenge of someone who was an angle but now look at her you made her broken , you took away her child , and many other things …
So people supporting the thought of torturing an innocent baby just because his dad done evil things ?
You torture the dad, not the baby
Ahh I don’t know what to say anymore 😮💨
He suffered a lot to be like this I don’t know whom to blame
This bastard won’t admit he loves her but accuses her of things she doesn’t even know about, instead of taking revenge on her father he takes revenge on her like a coward😤
he is totally jerk
He took it out on her instead of only those directly responsible
When you’re absolutely down bad and in love with her, but because you have severe ptsd cause by her dad that you keep confusing them with hatred and anger, this fool so down bad he learned everything about her, he needed therapy