No matter what there is no excused for what he did to her….he just admit that she didn’t even do anything to him and took all his anger depression and everything on to her for no reason you already took the father for revenge why her…the moment he did that he is no longer a victim but a perpetrator now also I feel her pain the loss of the child and finding out your barren just to much for her to take I hope she can find her happiness and that once her body is heal she has a chance to to have a kid and truly be happy please let her after all the suffering she went through that wasn’t even her fault to begin with
@Monologhit there’s a Difference between a complex character and a sh*ty one!! His past, however hurting it was doesn’t give him any right to make her suffer like this, This way of always defending MLs because of their past is completely disgusting.
Ok??? Does being a “complex character” give you an abuse pass? Just cause he had a sad childhood doesn’t mean he is absolved from all wrongdoing.
so ? you fuck face, you blame on an innocent girl, you fucking piece of shit, I dont care what your past is, lol using that to erase all of shitty things that you did to her? you even worse than trash
Even if they show her husband pov…
The least we can get is proof that he is mentaly ill
I mean her obsession to be on fl level by crushung everything she had while getting his revenge just ain’t it
So far we are still seeing from FL’s POV but still don’t know her husband’s POV. There could be a plot twist that makes “ turns out like that, that’s why his to act like that, bla bla bla” so I’m looking forward to the next chapter.
No matter what there is no excused for what he did to her….he just admit that she didn’t even do anything to him and took all his anger depression and everything on to her for no reason you already took the father for revenge why her…the moment he did that he is no longer a victim but a perpetrator now also I feel her pain the loss of the child and finding out your barren just to much for her to take I hope she can find her happiness and that once her body is heal she has a chance to to have a kid and truly be happy please let her after all the suffering she went through that wasn’t even her fault to begin with
@Monologhit there’s a Difference between a complex character and a sh*ty one!! His past, however hurting it was doesn’t give him any right to make her suffer like this, This way of always defending MLs because of their past is completely disgusting.
damn i couldn’t read any of this chapter my eyes kept getting blurry
Ok??? Does being a “complex character” give you an abuse pass? Just cause he had a sad childhood doesn’t mean he is absolved from all wrongdoing.
I can’t with the comments really. HANDLE COMPLEX CHARACTERS!!! I’ll just stop reading comments from now on
so ? you fuck face, you blame on an innocent girl, you fucking piece of shit, I dont care what your past is, lol using that to erase all of shitty things that you did to her? you even worse than trash
it was your choice…
Naaah… i dnt care bout ur past dick shit
Even if they show her husband pov…
The least we can get is proof that he is mentaly ill
I mean her obsession to be on fl level by crushung everything she had while getting his revenge just ain’t it
I would still hating him anyway
Cozy Blessed
So far we are still seeing from FL’s POV but still don’t know her husband’s POV. There could be a plot twist that makes “ turns out like that, that’s why his to act like that, bla bla bla” so I’m looking forward to the next chapter.
I feel the same.
Who loves manga
oh my 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭o(TヘTo)o(TヘTo)o(TヘTo)o(TヘTo)o(TヘTo)(┬┬﹏┬┬)(┬┬﹏┬┬)(┬┬﹏┬┬)(┬┬﹏┬┬)(┬┬﹏┬┬)
@dumplingslag im agree with u
Sometimes happy endings aren’t always together marriage and kids
Can I just pretend to be happy?? How badly I wanted them to understand each other finally and try to make this toxic relationship work…
This would be a perfect ending for both of them but alas they’ll end up together 😕
(From my pov both of them r too broken for each other )
She what now??
Yea yea whatever dickhead
Backstories ain’t gonna help you regain any of my sympathy for you
Finally! Not like it will pay off though. cuz she goes back to him in the end ugh 😒 stupid woman