Poor soul, my ass. He ruined her. He stripped away her pride and made her hopeless to the point of wanting to die, and she didn’t even do anything. He torments her because he is weak. He is a weak, insecure man who feels strong by hurting the vulnerable. He’s not pitiful, and it’s a shame people actually think he is.
I’ma be honest.. I do feel bad for him but he did this to her. It’d be one thing for her to learn the truth of her parents while having his support to help her through but instead she’s alone. She’s been alone ever since the day her parents were killed right before her eyes with the guns pointed at her next, it not even certain as if it were a blessing that she lived. The one person she had left was not only behind the murders but also had never loved her and in fact hated her to the point he wanted her miserable to the point of begging to die. Even in her most vulnerable moments where he was somewhat nice, he’d break off another piece of her internally. She didn’t have a part in the things her family did, she was instead a child spoiled and sheltered and just treated as a daughter who just happened to be fortunate enough to be born into royalty and wealth. The sins should have stayed with those involved, not the innocent child who had the misfortune of being born as the enemy’s. Instead he pushed his anger onto her, no longer hiding it, feeling like she somehow deserves it when she didn’t know. It’d be like if the young boy’s sister was killed along with the brother simply for being related. The girls were innocent, they were unfortunately deal bad circumstances, be it then or now. Heiner and Annette both need mental help but staying together isn’t gonna improve, it’s only worsened it.
These two poor souls are suffering from PTSD. she because she never stop to think that her doting parents were part of a huge problem. If there is love, there is nothing wrong, right? And he, because he is the “servant” who coveted the mistress… I do not know and I am sure we are going to find out that the scribbling on his chest were “gifts” from Anette’s father when he realized that ML coveted his daughter.
They love each other, that’s for sure. but they are too sick to realize it
ngl this chapter had me screaming. first i hope fl get her happily ever after and im happy she left with some peace😌. second FINAILLY BRO WILL SUFFER OMG YESS FEEEL THE PAIN😡 ……. omg i feel off my bed 😐
Also I was surprised this guy did not think about such a possibility when giving Annette a knife.
“When did she become so different”
I want to hit his head against the wall for a hundred times.
Ahem, please pardon my language…
in the moment she was d*ing, and you said she could not đo that (commit suc*de) TO YOU? how selfish someone can be?
Ohh no. This is one of those manhwa that really painful deep down my heart
Yeah you idiot I don’t know what he expected to happen. She was visably mentally fragile. There is only so much a person can take.
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
Poor soul, my ass. He ruined her. He stripped away her pride and made her hopeless to the point of wanting to die, and she didn’t even do anything. He torments her because he is weak. He is a weak, insecure man who feels strong by hurting the vulnerable. He’s not pitiful, and it’s a shame people actually think he is.
I’ma be honest.. I do feel bad for him but he did this to her. It’d be one thing for her to learn the truth of her parents while having his support to help her through but instead she’s alone. She’s been alone ever since the day her parents were killed right before her eyes with the guns pointed at her next, it not even certain as if it were a blessing that she lived. The one person she had left was not only behind the murders but also had never loved her and in fact hated her to the point he wanted her miserable to the point of begging to die. Even in her most vulnerable moments where he was somewhat nice, he’d break off another piece of her internally. She didn’t have a part in the things her family did, she was instead a child spoiled and sheltered and just treated as a daughter who just happened to be fortunate enough to be born into royalty and wealth. The sins should have stayed with those involved, not the innocent child who had the misfortune of being born as the enemy’s. Instead he pushed his anger onto her, no longer hiding it, feeling like she somehow deserves it when she didn’t know. It’d be like if the young boy’s sister was killed along with the brother simply for being related. The girls were innocent, they were unfortunately deal bad circumstances, be it then or now. Heiner and Annette both need mental help but staying together isn’t gonna improve, it’s only worsened it.
damn I know suicide is no joke, but I really just want Annette to be free from this horrid man…
I hope she’s die like that’s and reincarnated to were they mate
and place choose the right person not that 🗑️ dude
These two poor souls are suffering from PTSD. she because she never stop to think that her doting parents were part of a huge problem. If there is love, there is nothing wrong, right? And he, because he is the “servant” who coveted the mistress… I do not know and I am sure we are going to find out that the scribbling on his chest were “gifts” from Anette’s father when he realized that ML coveted his daughter.
They love each other, that’s for sure. but they are too sick to realize it
my heart feels so RELIEVED
ngl this chapter had me screaming. first i hope fl get her happily ever after and im happy she left with some peace😌. second FINAILLY BRO WILL SUFFER OMG YESS FEEEL THE PAIN😡 ……. omg i feel off my bed 😐
Ah ah sizin bu acıklı hikayeniz mahvedici