Author, please stop, they haven’t hit puberty yet, kids at that age are just friends unless adults push them to think of things they aren’t even aware of yet. Even intellectually it’s usually adults making fun of little kids playing together and asking nonsense like, “is that your little boy/girl friend” it’s silly and if any of you out there interact with kids please just let them play together with making them think they can’t have friends of the opposite gender without it having a special meaning….. sorry for the rant
That was one heck of a stupid, out-of-character thing to do here! He’s just seven for goodness’ sake!! ‘Crush’?! Not like her ‘like that’?! What the?! Author could have gone about it much better that this…SIGH
I mean wasn’t it obvious this FL is weird like girl the boy just met that green haired girl how is he supposed to just fall in love anyways I don’t think the green haired reincarnated cause she’s acting like a kid
Author, please stop, they haven’t hit puberty yet, kids at that age are just friends unless adults push them to think of things they aren’t even aware of yet. Even intellectually it’s usually adults making fun of little kids playing together and asking nonsense like, “is that your little boy/girl friend” it’s silly and if any of you out there interact with kids please just let them play together with making them think they can’t have friends of the opposite gender without it having a special meaning….. sorry for the rant
That was one heck of a stupid, out-of-character thing to do here! He’s just seven for goodness’ sake!! ‘Crush’?! Not like her ‘like that’?! What the?! Author could have gone about it much better that this…SIGH
Rosalia avila
I mean wasn’t it obvious this FL is weird like girl the boy just met that green haired girl how is he supposed to just fall in love anyways I don’t think the green haired reincarnated cause she’s acting like a kid