Biologically, it is possible for two brown haired, brown eyed people to give birth to a blond and green eyed child, but in manhwa terms, you need to have the same hair and eye colour as your parents. This leads me to belive she is not actually their daughter.
He is still a child I see does he also believe in fairytales? These parents need a personal lesson about being parents (no pls i’m kidding T^T)
Biologically, it is possible for two brown haired, brown eyed people to give birth to a blond and green eyed child, but in manhwa terms, you need to have the same hair and eye colour as your parents. This leads me to belive she is not actually their daughter.
I bet fl is adopted no way she’s this pretty with those ugly genes n personalities 🙄
Crystal T
Did that ugly viscount couple really give birth to FL?