also, I’m starting to understand what the other person said about the art. She has to be about 6, 7, or 8? somewhere in that age range. But her face is the same from when she was a child. It’s probably just the artists art style i guess. It can just be confusing at times because its hard to tell how old she is if she doesn’t look at least a little different.
baby im not even hallucination
also, I’m starting to understand what the other person said about the art. She has to be about 6, 7, or 8? somewhere in that age range. But her face is the same from when she was a child. It’s probably just the artists art style i guess. It can just be confusing at times because its hard to tell how old she is if she doesn’t look at least a little different.
baby im not even hallucination
i don’t really like bullying kids in manhwa but this kid…he’s a little shit
blubis thebest
bruh he thinks he has the ability to manage an empire when he can’t even manage a little girl ?😂
Its cute that the “second” prince is so sure he’ll be emperor.
Lol, IF you become the emperor and IF you drive away frodium, your so called empire will face the demons that they keep at bay.