I have a nagging feeling that mokrins brother snapped when he felt inferior and inadequate after meeting the so called “savage” tribe. Now hes just obsessed with power that he doesnt have nor deserve. Good god i hope he does not have some creepy sister complex.
Ok so I see it as yes her brother is being rash and stupid but on the other side being an older sibling I can understand his concerns.
To him: Morkin is his little sweet sister who pledged to marry what they think as a barbarian, stranger, and a cruel person. Of course he doesn’t want his sister that he cares about too be in a position of danger or be uncomfortable. Sadly I can already see this all going towards him obsessing over their marriage not listening to Morkin or anyone and hurting Himself and everyone around him😢 I just hope they don’t take that route
yeah, these people could really benefit from a cultural exchange rather than being so full of themselves. Mokrin’s island is full of racism stemmed from being isolated from other tribes.
Eonyeong doesn’t have those same kind of prejudices; he even respects other cultures’ practices so him and his people are infinitely better than the people on this island.
Reader is L
I have a nagging feeling that mokrins brother snapped when he felt inferior and inadequate after meeting the so called “savage” tribe. Now hes just obsessed with power that he doesnt have nor deserve. Good god i hope he does not have some creepy sister complex.
… The way it is being framed makes it look like her brother is just evil when he could have legitimate concerns.
Ok so I see it as yes her brother is being rash and stupid but on the other side being an older sibling I can understand his concerns.
To him: Morkin is his little sweet sister who pledged to marry what they think as a barbarian, stranger, and a cruel person. Of course he doesn’t want his sister that he cares about too be in a position of danger or be uncomfortable. Sadly I can already see this all going towards him obsessing over their marriage not listening to Morkin or anyone and hurting Himself and everyone around him😢 I just hope they don’t take that route
I wish that Mokrin make her brother understand how foolish he is… 🤦
yeah, these people could really benefit from a cultural exchange rather than being so full of themselves. Mokrin’s island is full of racism stemmed from being isolated from other tribes.
Eonyeong doesn’t have those same kind of prejudices; he even respects other cultures’ practices so him and his people are infinitely better than the people on this island.
Mc vasachi
What a Foolish guy