Avadaaaaa I still can’t believe that this story is coming to its end. I really love them. So happy they found what they truly love and want in their life. November 5, 2022 at 3:47 am Log in to Reply
Avadaaaaa Oh my gosh, I feel like crying. I’m so happy for them. November 5, 2022 at 3:46 am Log in to Reply
I’m in love 🥰
I still can’t believe that this story is coming to its end. I really love them. So happy they found what they truly love and want in their life.
Oh my gosh, I feel like crying. I’m so happy for them.
Aww🥺 so happy for Gaon and Jiho🤧
༎ຶ‿༎ຶಥ‿ಥ did it really finish??
One of my favorite.. T_T Thank you.