Miss Pendleton - Chapter 2
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You don't have anything in histories
I Cant_Sleep
Her advice was too careless. She should not have told her friend to call off the engagement. It would have been better to advice her to postpone the engagement instead to find out if she can find the man attractive after a period of courtship. It’s clear the friend is immature someone who is just scared of the idea of marriage not the marriage prospect being a friend of hers instead. She doesn’t seem like someone who could endure hardships in anyway. She probably comes from a well-to-do family where she’s been pampered so she’s a bit immature. It’s clear she probably won’t survive the gossip of the ton about her ‘audacity or stupidity’. Now, if things go wrong for the friend and she ends up regretting her decoseion, she will turn against fl as the source of her anguish. In real life people, don’t give this kind of advice cus 99% of the time the advised ends up regretting and turning against you, especially if the man is a good man and they realised they missed a gem