yukisorachan Mad dog dug his grave! please tell him that he is not thinking well. April 24, 2023 at 3:18 pm Log in to Reply
Layshakyla the mad dog is hella mad seems like someone need a back bone massage 🙂 April 24, 2023 at 10:22 am Log in to Reply
SilverSlime i think he will need to reveal his past anytime soon… at least to his family… April 22, 2023 at 9:14 pm Log in to Reply
sleepy dino
my my how dumb you are how dumb you are
Izumi Miyamura
can’t wait for mad dog to die
Mad dog dug his grave! please tell him that he is not thinking well.
the mad dog is hella mad seems like someone need a back bone massage 🙂
i think he will need to reveal his past anytime soon…
at least to his family…