@I Cant_Sleep IKR like is prince a joke to them besides red head and his fiancé both wear mask
@deadteletubby yep red head doing all this for throne since he is incompetent enough to use such tactics
Ah The classic misunderstood kind stoic prince vs kind looking well liked but actually evil prince. And the evil one already has a bitch wife so we’re starting heavy right from the beginning at least the FL seems to be useful
So, a maid dares to boldly accuse a prince publicly, not to mention wrongly and you think it’s okay to just let everything go? Well, if that isn’t suspicious. I guess the 2nd prince isn’t as gentlemanly as you think and just shows how weak the prestige of the 1st prince is in the kingdom
I see it actually, maybe if his hair was shorter
Anyone getting Karma Akabane vibes from him? No? Just me?
@I Cant_Sleep IKR like is prince a joke to them besides red head and his fiancé both wear mask
@deadteletubby yep red head doing all this for throne since he is incompetent enough to use such tactics
Ah The classic misunderstood kind stoic prince vs kind looking well liked but actually evil prince. And the evil one already has a bitch wife so we’re starting heavy right from the beginning at least the FL seems to be useful
I Cant_Sleep
So, a maid dares to boldly accuse a prince publicly, not to mention wrongly and you think it’s okay to just let everything go? Well, if that isn’t suspicious. I guess the 2nd prince isn’t as gentlemanly as you think and just shows how weak the prestige of the 1st prince is in the kingdom