Ew- get the f*ck away from him cringe play f*cker!! Gee, can’t believe they still keeps stupid flies and mosquitoes in that palace. Me personally, I would’ve immediately stepped back a second later before she got on me and laugh when I see her on the floor like a rat. That’s better than those who-knows-where those ratty-puttee hands were on your body!!
The Delulu at it’s Finest 🤣
Frosty Wings
Not suspicious at all! 🙄
I Cant_Sleep
I’ve never felt so embarrassed for a villain in my entire life😩
Ugh b*tch would you just die already
Ew- get the f*ck away from him cringe play f*cker!! Gee, can’t believe they still keeps stupid flies and mosquitoes in that palace. Me personally, I would’ve immediately stepped back a second later before she got on me and laugh when I see her on the floor like a rat. That’s better than those who-knows-where those ratty-puttee hands were on your body!!
huh?? what the… she’s really cringe yikes