The king is a coward. He justifies his wrongdoings with his twisted mind. He couldn’t even protect the woman he supposedly loved and was stupid enough to allow someone to steal his authority from him. Now, he’s not even trying to be a new person and just shows a defeated look on his face when he should get up to fight for his throne. He doesn’t deserve to be king
King is trash and stupid how was he able to run nation plus he doesn’t even know his wives well? what is he & stella is so damned stupid and pathetic agh but for sure she n Liliam are so compatible
I Cant_Sleep
The king is a coward. He justifies his wrongdoings with his twisted mind. He couldn’t even protect the woman he supposedly loved and was stupid enough to allow someone to steal his authority from him. Now, he’s not even trying to be a new person and just shows a defeated look on his face when he should get up to fight for his throne. He doesn’t deserve to be king
Sad to be true 🤨
Please slap that b*tch😡
King is trash and stupid how was he able to run nation plus he doesn’t even know his wives well? what is he & stella is so damned stupid and pathetic agh but for sure she n Liliam are so compatible
this b$ishh really infuriates me like just slap her