tsk tsk stupid FL + her stupid parents ofc bitch will be able to do as she please…. what kind of father is he, who tells something like that to the bitch who caused his daughter misery?? and were all ppl on subway blind? I get the crowd & not everyone will see but still how the heck ppl sitting in front not notice, damn & police where did it popped up from? police doesn’t even take that fast action these day SA is consider minor thing sadly…..
tsk tsk stupid FL + her stupid parents ofc bitch will be able to do as she please…. what kind of father is he, who tells something like that to the bitch who caused his daughter misery?? and were all ppl on subway blind? I get the crowd & not everyone will see but still how the heck ppl sitting in front not notice, damn & police where did it popped up from? police doesn’t even take that fast action these day SA is consider minor thing sadly…..