“I want you to me?” Heh whut? 🤣 To me or not to me? Lmao
Also regarding age i presumed she’s more of 13-14 while he’s around 15-16 if you consider their physique’s its obvious that men grows much more that women and thats why she’s more short than him heh you guys dont think so much into their age gap ur just over thinking. I believe its not that much of a gap lol
MiscMech this is not settled in the modern world so is not necessary as, judging by the attire, it seems in old times and in those eras relationship process was different. A 12 or 13 was marriageable to any peer or older partner. Even now in some parts still is a common practice. If you are not accepting that trop very used in asiatic reads better search for another type of works…
Why tf do you care so badly about age damn. It’s not like an age gap is anything new in these historical romance manhwas. Besides, we don’t really know if his interest rn is more on the romantic side or if it’s just because she’s different from the other ppl on the island.
Please ffs clarify your age! Angie is clearly a child. hanging out with the other kids, dreaming of a future profession, referring to ‘grown ups”. I’m guessing the little Duke is a teen but 13 and 19 are very different life stages…
So…if his face isn’t disfigured….why does he stay behind the Veil?
“I want you to me?” Heh whut? 🤣 To me or not to me? Lmao
Also regarding age i presumed she’s more of 13-14 while he’s around 15-16 if you consider their physique’s its obvious that men grows much more that women and thats why she’s more short than him heh you guys dont think so much into their age gap ur just over thinking. I believe its not that much of a gap lol
Besides they look about 15 or 16 and 19 more or less
MiscMech this is not settled in the modern world so is not necessary as, judging by the attire, it seems in old times and in those eras relationship process was different. A 12 or 13 was marriageable to any peer or older partner. Even now in some parts still is a common practice. If you are not accepting that trop very used in asiatic reads better search for another type of works…
Why tf do you care so badly about age damn. It’s not like an age gap is anything new in these historical romance manhwas. Besides, we don’t really know if his interest rn is more on the romantic side or if it’s just because she’s different from the other ppl on the island.
I assumed they were both like 12 ish but saying he has a deep voice means he’s probably over 15? I don’t know their ages at all.
Please ffs clarify your age! Angie is clearly a child. hanging out with the other kids, dreaming of a future profession, referring to ‘grown ups”. I’m guessing the little Duke is a teen but 13 and 19 are very different life stages…