Maybe this will get better, but I don’t care, I am dropping this BS now and permanently. FL is beyond dumb, gullible, and weakly thirsty for love from such a nightmarish man who gave her nothing but grief, nearly got her killed several times, AND IS STILL ENGAGED TO ANOTHER WOMAN YEARS LATER. WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE NOW, KYE?
Is there some of that rose tea still in her system or something? And no, I am not jumping on a bandwagon — My patience dried up when Angie fell to her knees and called all the horror a “”misunderstanding”. For a moment I thought it was Kye’s imagination gone wild or something, NOPE!
This man literally KIDNAPPED and held FL’s grandma hostage last chapter. YOU THINK HE WILL STOP THERE IF ANGIE DOESN’T COMPLY TO HIS WISHES?
Nah… WTF?!!!!!! I just got a whiplash from how fast she caved. OMFG!!! I’m so mad rn i want to go in and stab (almost)everyone in this story to death… Or better, I want to find the author and crack their skull to see which part of their brain came up with the notion that it’s okay to peddle this bs to readers as though we’re all love addled baboons who’ll suck up this horseturd as sweet deep true love. A misunderstanding? That’s an extremely oversimplified word for whatever he put her through on that hell island and it’s batsh** crazy tenants (who all work for him and his godforsaken family.) I’m dropping this for now. I might come back to skim through it once I’ve calmed down or once it’s complete… For now I’m out🤬
The Lurker
Maybe this will get better, but I don’t care, I am dropping this BS now and permanently. FL is beyond dumb, gullible, and weakly thirsty for love from such a nightmarish man who gave her nothing but grief, nearly got her killed several times, AND IS STILL ENGAGED TO ANOTHER WOMAN YEARS LATER. WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE NOW, KYE?
Is there some of that rose tea still in her system or something? And no, I am not jumping on a bandwagon — My patience dried up when Angie fell to her knees and called all the horror a “”misunderstanding”. For a moment I thought it was Kye’s imagination gone wild or something, NOPE!
This man literally KIDNAPPED and held FL’s grandma hostage last chapter. YOU THINK HE WILL STOP THERE IF ANGIE DOESN’T COMPLY TO HIS WISHES?
Nah… WTF?!!!!!! I just got a whiplash from how fast she caved. OMFG!!! I’m so mad rn i want to go in and stab (almost)everyone in this story to death… Or better, I want to find the author and crack their skull to see which part of their brain came up with the notion that it’s okay to peddle this bs to readers as though we’re all love addled baboons who’ll suck up this horseturd as sweet deep true love. A misunderstanding? That’s an extremely oversimplified word for whatever he put her through on that hell island and it’s batsh** crazy tenants (who all work for him and his godforsaken family.) I’m dropping this for now. I might come back to skim through it once I’ve calmed down or once it’s complete… For now I’m out🤬
Finally it was such a big misunderstanding
Stupid vagina
How could she forgive him with just that !!??