@bern007: ah yes, of course, as the Duke i can’t get rid of a bunch of subordinates who i know are running some weirdass cult using brainwashed children as mobile blood banks… I couldn’t even keep tabs on them to see if they’re pulling some hellsh*t scheme behind my back cause…idk I’m too busy buffing up while plotting how to drag and lock up an innocent unwilling woman.
He knows what his family and subordinates are doing given how he knew what happened between his parents(and if he didn’t even know what a young boy who stayed and escaped from the island years back could deduce/find out, he should just hand over his title to FL’s brother). He knew about the rose and what will happen to her once she’s chosen as his remedy. He had years and he said nothing to her. He didn’t even clarify his intention about the engagement(tbh his explanation is real sus. I feel he’d have definitely married her friend and then set her up as his mistress had she shown any signs of softening back then.). All in all there’s nothing good about this pile of sh** that I wouldn’t even touch with a 20ft long pole. But looks like this is our ML🤡
I tell you this the ML is nothing to do with the tragic accident, all of this is misunderstanding and ruined by mikyle or what ever and that old hug group.
@bern007: ah yes, of course, as the Duke i can’t get rid of a bunch of subordinates who i know are running some weirdass cult using brainwashed children as mobile blood banks… I couldn’t even keep tabs on them to see if they’re pulling some hellsh*t scheme behind my back cause…idk I’m too busy buffing up while plotting how to drag and lock up an innocent unwilling woman.
He knows what his family and subordinates are doing given how he knew what happened between his parents(and if he didn’t even know what a young boy who stayed and escaped from the island years back could deduce/find out, he should just hand over his title to FL’s brother). He knew about the rose and what will happen to her once she’s chosen as his remedy. He had years and he said nothing to her. He didn’t even clarify his intention about the engagement(tbh his explanation is real sus. I feel he’d have definitely married her friend and then set her up as his mistress had she shown any signs of softening back then.). All in all there’s nothing good about this pile of sh** that I wouldn’t even touch with a 20ft long pole. But looks like this is our ML🤡
I tell you this the ML is nothing to do with the tragic accident, all of this is misunderstanding and ruined by mikyle or what ever and that old hug group.
Correct me if I’m wrong🙄
He honestly did nothing wrong
i hpe she dosent chose him again
Owh fuxk
What the heckkkk???? You are uploading it so late and this was it????