The saddest part is even though she did set them up, they never had a real reason to expect it. It is just their bad personalities because that is what they would do. Cheaters always think their partner is cheating. If they had any ounce of decency, they would have never done anything.
The saddest part is even though she did set them up, they never had a real reason to expect it. It is just their bad personalities because that is what they would do. Cheaters always think their partner is cheating. If they had any ounce of decency, they would have never done anything.
Ikr they are such bastards
If you want to see the full version, you have to go to teenmanhua
A random person
Did I miss a chapter or something because I didn’t see them kiss
Sleepless Zombie
They kissed in the end of previous chapter, but apparently harimanga didn’t apdated to the full version