I am a big fan of this manhua please continue doing it till the story ends. I love the pros & cons. The mystery with it. Keep up the good work writers and creators
I admit its frustrating to me. There is no real tension because you aren’t waiting for Shawn to find out. He basically knows he’s just trying to get her to admit it, and she knows he basically knows but she won’t speak. It’s just tension on their relationship for tension sake. She knows he’s fixated on her mercenary self who he knows is her so she should know he isn’t appalled by a female swordsman. He’s protecting her knights,, and is trying to be open with her and honest, but still hides it for “safety” which is kind of mute since he could just report it to the prince at this point if he had bad intentions. I don’t mind tension but this is just there to keep them not as a couple.
I am a big fan of this manhua please continue doing it till the story ends. I love the pros & cons. The mystery with it. Keep up the good work writers and creators
I admit its frustrating to me. There is no real tension because you aren’t waiting for Shawn to find out. He basically knows he’s just trying to get her to admit it, and she knows he basically knows but she won’t speak. It’s just tension on their relationship for tension sake. She knows he’s fixated on her mercenary self who he knows is her so she should know he isn’t appalled by a female swordsman. He’s protecting her knights,, and is trying to be open with her and honest, but still hides it for “safety” which is kind of mute since he could just report it to the prince at this point if he had bad intentions. I don’t mind tension but this is just there to keep them not as a couple.
continue updating and improve the translation im sure many will support financially and many readers will read and stay on the site.
Pls continue updating po.
Thanks for the update we were waiting for the update please continue.. The story?
Thanks for the update. I really like Marriage and Sword. ?
So he knows but he doesn’t…?
I REALLY like this one. thanks for the update
Finally a new update I’ve been waiting for this thanks for the update I’ll be waiting for the next update^_^