Gusto need a golden eyed heir (something about the story of people with golden eye is descendant or blessed by the gods), that’s why he’s looking for these girls who have golden eyes to bear his kid. Eve, unfortunately, is a commoner, so even if their kid is born with gold eyes, they’ll be half commoner. New b*tch, on the other hand, is a noble and has golden eyes too, so now gusto wants her too, coz golden eyes blue blood heir (from new b+tch) is of course better than golden eyed half breed heir (eve’s baby).
oh my. dont you dare you grape juice b***h
Please be a good girl 🙏 Please be a good girl 🙏 Please be a good girl 🙏 Please be a good girl 🙏 Please be a good girl 🙏 Please be a good girl 🙏
Maksudai korbar mor sala
I hate her already lol
New bitch is coming 😌
Ugh, another pain in the arse.
Gusto need a golden eyed heir (something about the story of people with golden eye is descendant or blessed by the gods), that’s why he’s looking for these girls who have golden eyes to bear his kid. Eve, unfortunately, is a commoner, so even if their kid is born with gold eyes, they’ll be half commoner. New b*tch, on the other hand, is a noble and has golden eyes too, so now gusto wants her too, coz golden eyes blue blood heir (from new b+tch) is of course better than golden eyed half breed heir (eve’s baby).
I think gusto I planning yo have her while she loves Lucas and Lucas is already married 🤣 good one
That’s why eve was so flustered
She must know he’s married?
💀 another bitch alart