Male Lead, I’ll Respect Your Taste - Chapter 6
You don't have anything in histories
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I’m so confused? How will black hair kid become the crown prince if he’s the duke’s son like wouldn’t the emperor have his own children? Anyway, I don’t think fl is related to both the duke and that woman. I think the woman like got her from somewhere to tie the duke to her.
Truck sama ~~ where are you :(
I think they are siblings now but they’re not blood related …
So they’re siblings?
Sigh… the art is really nice, but plot is not very reasonable…
Why would the butler/ servant bring the young lady to see the kid in prison?????
What can they gain??????
To see both kids suffer????? Because the servants resented the Duchess?
And shy would the Duke marry a maid maid?
In order to be a laughing stock in high society?!
Wait what just happened??? 😀
Wait so are they siblings or no
Justine et moi
They have the same father….i think?
They’re not siblings? What?
Really the servants are to blame for setting Alice against this little boy in the past, but the Duke is to blame for not paying any attention to his daughter. And Katrina…🤢What sick people.
I thought her dad was the Duke though? Isn’t that why the og her was upset he wasn’t coming home? I mean there exists the possibility that she’s not truly the Duke’s child but unless there’s a spoiler all evidence given so far is that she’s the Duke’s daughter?
No, they aren’t siblings
Edwin : Mom-Former Duchess Dad-Duke
FL : Mom-Current Duchess Dad- Unknown man rn but not the duke
Alexandre Schihann
@Lliyen , yup ,
Wait so… Are they half siblings????????