Male Lead, I’ll Respect Your Taste - Chapter 3
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Like damn that looks very far
We’ll this is interesting
Here comes the paragraphs again
As someone whos small since childhood i completely understand her T-T
And, hey, If we all put in enough effort, we can move my comment to the second page.
That way, no one has to see it unless they are curious from your replies.
I made it because I actually got into some interesting discussion with others on another story here and figured “why not”. Please notice how I said that interpretation was “least generous” or something. I like hearing other’s opinions on these sorts of things.
Who said anything about disliking the story? All I said was I wish one of these stories (implying I read them a lot) did x. No different from asking one of a different genre of stories to have a strong FL for once. The thing about things that get trope-y is that they get stale.
How in the world is my comment bothering you all so much?
i need everyone who is displeased about “turning the ml straight” bc theres no way you think he is actually (healthily) attracted to men. he is obsessed over a person who just happened to be a male.
@Aylika nah fr. i just wanted to ask a though provoking question. is the “ml” actually gay/bi? wasn’t the novel all about a psychotic, deranged, and obsessive person? i doubt that the ml is actually gay but was simply lacking affection and therefore latched onto the first person taht didn’t actively try to harm him
That’s crazy how I dont see these types of comment when the super straight best friend is suddenly in love with his gay best friend
Rum Lawrence
You … You gave me food 🤣 that was funny in a weird way 😂
People like y’all ruin the stories for us who enjoy reading it. If you don’t like it leave it, no need to write the same thing in every chapter.
Seriously if you don’t like it just stop reading it…. y’all are acting like a bunch of Debbie downer
If you don’t like these types of stories STOP READING IT.. geez people
I mean, no one needs to tell anyone else they’re bi. It’s just that the OG story becomes, like, a throwaway element that at best, is used to justify the FL being oblivious to ML’s romantic intentions. At worst, is never brought up again. Like, you would think that something like that has more broad of a use than as a framing device but “transmigrated into a BL” and “transmigrated as a villainess” have virtually no difference aside from the now antagonistic heroine. We would have no way of knowing it was a BL without her saying so.
In stories where the OG was supposed to be bad/tragic/toxic, it can sometimes read like trauma made him gay, or he can only find happiness with a woman, etc. (That’s obviously the least forgiving take) It can also read like the author approaches BL like something to consume but not someone you want to interact with. When in a “story” two men being in love is fine but when that becomes FL’s “reality” it suddenly stops existing entirely. Like how people irl can consume fetishistic content but still be homophobic. Idk; I might not be making a lot of sense here.
@MiscMech Well, for one reason, this is fantasy, if magic and reincarnation into novels is possible, then anything goes right? and they don’t necessarily need to tell people that they’re bi, the best option is to just think of it that way, for example, when a boy gets reincarnated into a novel with straight protagonists, it’ll usually end in him getting together with the Og ML but the OgML doesn’t go out of his way to say “I’m Bisexual” even though he once got with a female in the course of the novel but then got attracted to this boy who reincarnated inside of it
stamina building time
@miscMech this manwha has nothing to Bl
I wish one of these: “I reincarnated into a BL and now the ML is obsessed with me instead” stopped at least once to acknowledge the fact that the ML likes guys too.
Just, something throwaway about his bisexuality, not necessarily him getting with anyone besides FL (although I will not say “no” to a menage a trois)