Male Lead, I’ll Respect Your Taste - Chapter 17
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I hope they solve this issue soon (meaning this not being the main conflict of the story) because honestly, I don’t see it getting better. The mother will just keep getting worse and worse and might kill the FL and Evan. She may have the tiniest affection for her, but the FL took her punching bag away from her (Edwin) and is behaving badly, so… Nowhere to put her frustrations out I guess.
Hope the Duke solves this, bc a 7yo can’t do shit.
Who was behind the doctor? And what’s with this b*tch of a maids problem😡
Uh oh.
What kind of lunatic does that to a child, even if the duke has come back and wants them arrested or the crazy duchess called for her she chose to dump water on a sickly kid
What the actual fck is going on?!!?!?!
Mighty Phoenix
Leave them alone,you scoundrels 🤬
wtf happened??? this ugly ass maid