how come she act so stupid? I’ve usually seen they give FL a background in which she have learned a lot well sometimes it’s not good cuz it make them way too serious but is that what you do with that body & ur nation is weak what a fool now I can see why she suicide she’s stupid
what if he chop you? ur family that’ll come to help will also be in danger are you in a position to make such moves? let your father do taking
I dont like how shes head over heels for him, like shes lowkey worshipping him.
Uhm would an alliance be bad enough to interfere?
current nickname for this: eyeliner 2.0
Yep emperor turned emo…
Ok girl got it u r strong and have ego but please think about it it’s a small country how will you win? U will get everyone else k!lled…
how come she act so stupid? I’ve usually seen they give FL a background in which she have learned a lot well sometimes it’s not good cuz it make them way too serious but is that what you do with that body & ur nation is weak what a fool now I can see why she suicide she’s stupid
what if he chop you? ur family that’ll come to help will also be in danger are you in a position to make such moves? let your father do taking