@Rococochoco i know right, it’s stupid. I hate that authors make the FL’s completely bewitched by these trashy men who do nothing but hurt them. It’s like they’re masochists or something. Not only that, she’s totally aware that he’s trash…but she STILL likes him? she must have never been touched or loved by an actual man because what the hell is going through her mind right now? I know you can’t control who your heart loves, but if you still love a man you know is trashy then that’s just stupidity. Like get some self respect. But oh well, I’m just beating a dead horse at this point, they’re gonna be together whether I like it or not.
Wait wait wait 😂😂😂 when he’s standing beside her while she’s sitting he’s like 75% legs. Why is he so long. 😂😂😂😂 ok more importantly the FL’s conflicting feelings are so random like why does she like this guy at all? I would understand stand it if they never met and she built up this image of him and developed a crush but he’s treated her like an inconvenience for years. There’s nothing but negative experiences she gets from him yet she still has this unexplained crush she’s trying to deny but we all know she can’t
baby im not even here.....im hallucination
@Rococochoco i know right, it’s stupid. I hate that authors make the FL’s completely bewitched by these trashy men who do nothing but hurt them. It’s like they’re masochists or something. Not only that, she’s totally aware that he’s trash…but she STILL likes him? she must have never been touched or loved by an actual man because what the hell is going through her mind right now? I know you can’t control who your heart loves, but if you still love a man you know is trashy then that’s just stupidity. Like get some self respect. But oh well, I’m just beating a dead horse at this point, they’re gonna be together whether I like it or not.
Wait wait wait 😂😂😂 when he’s standing beside her while she’s sitting he’s like 75% legs. Why is he so long. 😂😂😂😂 ok more importantly the FL’s conflicting feelings are so random like why does she like this guy at all? I would understand stand it if they never met and she built up this image of him and developed a crush but he’s treated her like an inconvenience for years. There’s nothing but negative experiences she gets from him yet she still has this unexplained crush she’s trying to deny but we all know she can’t
Who are u Nathan? If that’s your real name?