Why doesn’t she just give him the wand. They haven’t done anything yet so he’s not angry enough to kill her yet. So just give him the wand to escape n be done with it. Smh
I like most of the foods form every culture but I’m still picky bc I don’t like the texture of innards or feet, so no chicken feet for me and I only like spicy as a flavor but not if it over powers the other flavors of the dish, so picky
I’m just assuming here bc I haven’t seen the raws, but I think the beef bone broth there is specifically Seolleongtang, a delicacy in Korea. The author probably showed here that people simply discarded bones back in the Western Medieval times bc bone broth still wasn’t a thing. That pretty much checks out based on a quick google. Bone broth can be traced back to 2,500 years ago in Ancient China as a form of medicine. However, it only got popularized by the 12th century.
Why doesn’t she just give him the wand. They haven’t done anything yet so he’s not angry enough to kill her yet. So just give him the wand to escape n be done with it. Smh
this is so funny cause the og fl and i have the same name
I like most of the foods form every culture but I’m still picky bc I don’t like the texture of innards or feet, so no chicken feet for me and I only like spicy as a flavor but not if it over powers the other flavors of the dish, so picky
Crystal T
It’s like copy of the “Japan’s isekai food culture spreading” web novels. Personally, I like Japan’s food more. S.Korea’s food are too spicy for me.
I’m just assuming here bc I haven’t seen the raws, but I think the beef bone broth there is specifically Seolleongtang, a delicacy in Korea. The author probably showed here that people simply discarded bones back in the Western Medieval times bc bone broth still wasn’t a thing. That pretty much checks out based on a quick google. Bone broth can be traced back to 2,500 years ago in Ancient China as a form of medicine. However, it only got popularized by the 12th century.
The OG author thinks Koreans are the only ones who make bone broth?