Call me maybe Work slow down the ships sails ain’t ready yet and we just got the rudder running and she can def cut hair like the difference am i right March 7, 2024 at 1:07 am Log in to Reply
Talerielle Laurel is it just me or did we just skip like ten chapters? they NEVER make this much progress so quickly! October 23, 2023 at 3:27 am Log in to Reply
SleepDeprivedReader @Gigit1126 irk!!! I never knew it was real. Iv’e been looking for the legendary COMMUNICATION for so long and never knew i’d find it here. October 18, 2023 at 2:17 am Log in to Reply
Gigit1126 Wait. . . . was that. . . . the legendary COMMUNICATION I’ve only heard about in myths????? *Le Gasp!*😵😵😵 October 16, 2023 at 6:56 am Log in to Reply
stereen First time people are asking and answering the right questions 😭😭👏🏾 October 10, 2023 at 9:44 pm Log in to Reply
bananachips Bruh…. Did his hair grow again? Nothing changed with her cut October 10, 2023 at 9:28 am Log in to Reply
blahdeblah wait. he was asking her to cut his bangs? now this is fantasy for sure. bangs can’t be trusted to just anybody – no matter how much you like their food. October 10, 2023 at 5:03 am Log in to Reply
Call me maybe
Work slow down the ships sails ain’t ready yet and we just got the rudder running and she can def cut hair like the difference am i right
Bro that was so fast!! I wanted a slow burn😭
Talerielle Laurel
is it just me or did we just skip like ten chapters? they NEVER make this much progress so quickly!
@Gigit1126 irk!!! I never knew it was real. Iv’e been looking for the legendary COMMUNICATION for so long and never knew i’d find it here.
Wait. . . . was that. . . . the legendary COMMUNICATION I’ve only heard about in myths????? *Le Gasp!*😵😵😵
My thoughts exactly I see no difference 😅😅
Like so what
i see no difference
First time people are asking and answering the right questions 😭😭👏🏾
Bruh…. Did his hair grow again? Nothing changed with her cut
wait. he was asking her to cut his bangs? now this is fantasy for sure. bangs can’t be trusted to just anybody – no matter how much you like their food.
The hair looks the same? 😭