I mean yeah, there are worse families in other stories, but personally It would have been less painful if they hated her. But they didn’t care, they didn’t see her. It’s not hate, it’s not love.. it’s just nothing.
Until the very end, it is too little scene about their regret. Maybe, it is because they are not the main characters. I want more scene of their regret, but in the novel, it really shows that their family won’t be the same anymore after she died.
Valhalla's dream.
I mean yeah, there are worse families in other stories, but personally It would have been less painful if they hated her. But they didn’t care, they didn’t see her. It’s not hate, it’s not love.. it’s just nothing.
@Kane55 Please provide these worse ones?
… I get it, they’re horrible for ignoring her… but do they deserve death?
I mean, I’ve seen worse families stories than this one, if anything… they were neglectful but not right down evil
Father:what should I do?
Me: u should think about killing your self
Until the very end, it is too little scene about their regret. Maybe, it is because they are not the main characters. I want more scene of their regret, but in the novel, it really shows that their family won’t be the same anymore after she died.
we need more family suffering on their end and yes this translation is so bad. horrendous
Just do nothing like you’ve always done. Isn’t that easy for you?
Idk… try being a human, then be a dad. Food for thought
seriously, the translation!!!!!