Possibly a misunderstanding on both sides but don’t think the fl will be annoying per say. Her reaction just now that got cut off is sorta like those stories where the elder child has to uproot their everything for their younger sibling, doing otherwise being frowned upon.
Is this fl going to be annoying, the girl so far likes her sis very much. Fl has a lot of hang ups, but I can kind of get the sibling jealousy. Don’t rly like it tho
Katrina is so beautiful and she is not plain! Abelia needs to learn some independence.
Possibly a misunderstanding on both sides but don’t think the fl will be annoying per say. Her reaction just now that got cut off is sorta like those stories where the elder child has to uproot their everything for their younger sibling, doing otherwise being frowned upon.
Is this fl going to be annoying, the girl so far likes her sis very much. Fl has a lot of hang ups, but I can kind of get the sibling jealousy. Don’t rly like it tho
Yep… while this while the is some sort of emotional abandoned… it seems FL has not tried to do anything else due to her pride
I just feel like there’s some sort of misunderstanding from both sides
Karina is beautiful, what is wrong with those people’s eyes?!
Ikr! They must be blind to ever label her as “plain”! She got more experience and personalities than those idiots could ever have!!!
Cliff hanger