Torisweettooth And there go the tears. Soooo if Natasha loved her sister this much I wonder what her previous self did after finding out her baby sister was murder by the emperor? Did she raise hell and create this chance for her sister? This would explain a lot. May 18, 2023 at 4:35 pm Log in to Reply
MiscMech What a touching and sweet moment. I’m sure it would be even more meaningful if the sister had shown up for more than a total of ~3 chapters. May 18, 2023 at 5:52 am Log in to Reply
And there go the tears. Soooo if Natasha loved her sister this much I wonder what her previous self did after finding out her baby sister was murder by the emperor? Did she raise hell and create this chance for her sister? This would explain a lot.
What a touching and sweet moment. I’m sure it would be even more meaningful if the sister had shown up for more than a total of ~3 chapters.