Seriously, why didn’t calix throw away that bitch??? Like? she is the one that steal your father from your mother, the one that destroy your family??? Is it because of empathy ewww
The hot Calix,on the last panel is the only thing that I like about this chapter,..please to the one who’s behind this chapter…please take some rest and enough sleep,.. it’s bad for your health if you push yourself too much…it will only bring confusion and stress….
What’s wrong with this chapter….redux
Bruh what’s wrong with this chapter???
Emotional damage!
Bruh.. so messy ??
oh what a messy chapter…mmmmm
My head is spinning after i read this chapter??
How many times do you want to repeat the same panels?
Harimanga: Yes
Akio Haruki
@Haiji92 harimanga didn’t translate this 1stkissmanga did
All female lead can step on meh
Seriously, why didn’t calix throw away that bitch??? Like? she is the one that steal your father from your mother, the one that destroy your family??? Is it because of empathy ewww
The hot Calix,on the last panel is the only thing that I like about this chapter,..please to the one who’s behind this chapter…please take some rest and enough sleep,.. it’s bad for your health if you push yourself too much…it will only bring confusion and stress….
Whats happens to the a pirated cd.haizz?
This is the most confusing chapter ever. Please fix it. I have read the same lines more than thrice so I am so confused af.
Milo Lesmee
I think i got a stroke reading ??